Baleroc Down!

September 20th, 2011 by Setta


Congratulations team!  Another boss added to the list of pre-nerf bosses FTC defeated!  This puts us back at rank 32 our server, which is a great achievement considering our raiding schedule.  Magnificent effort everyone, nerfs hit today so we’ll be clearing faster through the firelands.

Those present for the kill (in no order):  Setta, Santile, Donavaan, Raveion, Brewna, Keary, Kyrizha, Ravik, Ainimas, Loraine and Sekikaze.  Great job everyone!

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Baleroc is next!

August 18th, 2011 by Setta


For those of you that were present for the kills, we were going to attempt the bird next.  I’ve discovered that’s not necessary so I believe Baleroc will be our next target.  Study up!

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