Ultraxion Down!

January 30th, 2012 by Setta


Another boss in Dragon Soul DOWN!  Ultraxion has fallen to our might.  Great job team!

I should note I can’t seem to get wowprogress to update us with their new tool.  It seems to have taken but isn’t giving us credit, very odd.

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Hagara the Stormbinder Down!

January 24th, 2012 by Setta


Congratulations team!  15% on Ultraxion too, we’re making some serious progress, next week will be even better!

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Ragnaros, Fire Lord, DOWN!

October 24th, 2011 by Setta

Triumph, ladies and gentlemen.

Our kill crew: Setta, Donavaan, Keary, Brewna, Sekikaze, Santile, Kyrizha, Ainimas, Raveion, Loiraine and Ravik.

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Alysrazor and Majordomo Staghelm

October 24th, 2011 by Setta


Here’s our images of the kills of Alysrazor and Majordomo Staghelm.

Our kill crew: Setta, Donavaan, Keary, Brewna, Sekikaze, Santile, Kyrizha, Ainimas, Raveion, Loiraine and Ravik.

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Baleroc Down!

September 20th, 2011 by Setta


Congratulations team!  Another boss added to the list of pre-nerf bosses FTC defeated!  This puts us back at rank 32 our server, which is a great achievement considering our raiding schedule.  Magnificent effort everyone, nerfs hit today so we’ll be clearing faster through the firelands.

Those present for the kill (in no order):  Setta, Santile, Donavaan, Raveion, Brewna, Keary, Kyrizha, Ravik, Ainimas, Loraine and Sekikaze.  Great job everyone!

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Baleroc is next!

August 18th, 2011 by Setta


For those of you that were present for the kills, we were going to attempt the bird next.  I’ve discovered that’s not necessary so I believe Baleroc will be our next target.  Study up!

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Lord Rhyolith & Beth’tilac Down!

August 17th, 2011 by Setta



Lord Rhyolith




Those present for the kills (in no order):  Setta, Santile, Donavaan, Raveion, Brewna, Keary, Kyrizha, Ravik, Ainimas, Jaqulyn and Sekikaze.  Great job everyone!

This officially puts us at 26th (25th 10 mans) on the server!!

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Nefarian Down! Midsummer Begins.

June 21st, 2011 by Setta

Nefarian is down!  That leaves us at 11/12 bosses dead, only one left is Al’Akir!  We’ll be smashing against him on Monday next week.  Be prepared, look up the fight!  Great job everyone on killing the brother and sister pair.


In other news, Midsummer has arrived.  For those of you curious, yes this means new equipment from the Frost Lord.  The new loot is below:

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    Ascendant Council Down!

    May 17th, 2011 by Setta

    That leaves only the major last bosses left in the instances! Go team!

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    Boss Kill Photos

    May 15th, 2011 by Setta

    Images of some of our latest boss kills: Omnitron Defense System, Atramedes and Chimaeron!

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