Nefarian Down! Midsummer Begins.

June 21st, 2011 by Setta

Nefarian is down!  That leaves us at 11/12 bosses dead, only one left is Al’Akir!  We’ll be smashing against him on Monday next week.  Be prepared, look up the fight!  Great job everyone on killing the brother and sister pair.


In other news, Midsummer has arrived.  For those of you curious, yes this means new equipment from the Frost Lord.  The new loot is below:

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    Boss Kill Photos

    May 15th, 2011 by Setta

    Images of some of our latest boss kills: Omnitron Defense System, Atramedes and Chimaeron!

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    Three Bosses Fall

    May 10th, 2011 by Setta

    The Omnitron Defense System, Atramedes and Maloriak are all down!  That leaves only two bosses between FTC and the final encounters for Cataclysm!  Well done everyone, I’ll have the pictures up as soon as I can.  Our next encounters are Chimaeron and the Elementium Monstrosity – one of which we’ve had some serious experience at.  Nefarian and Cho’Gall are soon to be in our grasp!

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